Side note: Part of a waiters job in my opinion is to know how to recommend good dishes. Daniel! 5-star waiter. He had tried everything on the menu and wasn't afraid to recommend the good stuff!
When i asked him what he recommended, he asked me if i liked sushi. Asking a question to answer my question... Beautiful! "Yes, i like sushi," i said. "Then i think you'll really like the ceviche dish... the Ceviche de Pescado Mixto" he responded.
Ceviche happens to be the typical dish of Peru. Why not try the food they are famous for? My first ceviche experience was in Costa Rica and I've had my share of delicious ceviche experiences since, but this one took the cake. Ceviche is usually an appetizer or dish of raw seafood marinated in lemon and lime juice. The juice actually pickles or "cooks" the meat. The flavor is like a party in your mouth. Cilantro, onions, and lime juice and seafood=amazingness!
My daughter really enjoyed the "Tallarines Blancos" which is fettucini noodles, parmesan cheese and egg. It tasted like a fancy version of our macaroni and cheese with the addition of the hard-boiled egg. I thought it was pretty tasty too.
Huge portions! Neither of us were able to completely finished our meals. Prices are reasonable. $8-12 dishes. Service was excellent! Complementary chips and fresh salsa... YUMMY!!! One of the best fresh salsas i've ever had! If you haven't been to La Carreta, you've gotta go. It's so good, it sucked me in three days in a row. I tried new dishes every time.
I'd recommend the Jalea de Pescado dish as well as the kabobs appetizer. And the maracuya (passion-fruit) drink is quite tasty!
For another review and an additional perspective on La Carreta, check out this Utah Food Blog link.
Also, check out La Carreta's Website!